In Brief

The Situation

Automation and fierce competition are forcing many companies to resort to frequent rounds of layoffs.

The Problem

All too often, layoffs done for short-term gain damage employee engagement and actually reduce profitability.

The Better Way

Some companies have developed workforce change strategies that make sparing use of staff reductions and ensure that when they do happen, the process feels fair and the company and the affected parties are set up for success.

Two great forces are transforming the very nature of work: automation and ever fiercer global competition. To keep up, many organizations have had to rethink their workforce strategies, often making changes that are disruptive and painful. Typically, they turn to episodic restructuring and routine layoffs, but in the long term both damage employee engagement and company profitability. Some companies, however, have realized that they need a new approach.

A version of this article appeared in the May–June 2018 issue (pp.122–129) of Harvard Business Review.