
Featuring Erik Brynjolfsson, Professor and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI) and Co-Founder & Co-Chairman of the Board of Workhelix. He is a coauthor of the recent HBR article How to Capitalize on Generative AI.

Complimentary HBR Webinar

Wednesday, October 25, 1:00 pm EDT

Generative AI is the story of 2023—and possibly the story of the decade. It shows both tremendous promise but is accompanied by massive worries.

Already, generative AI has displayed breathtaking powers to create new content, such as music, speech, text, images, and video—and is being used to write software, give feedback on startup ideas, transcribe physicians’ interactions with patients, and perform tasks like writing a letter or making a sales forecast. But generative AI is far from perfect. It produces distorted or entirely fabricated output and can be oblivious to privacy and copyright concerns.

Every company is asking major questions such as: How can we capitalize on generative AI? How do we maximize the potential while minimizing the risks?

On Wednesday, October 25, in a live, interactive HBR webinar, Erik Brynjolfsson—professor and senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI) and director of Stanford’s Digital Economy Lab—will help business leaders understand how to capitalize on generative AI.

In this webinar, Brynjolfsson will:

  • Define what generative AI is
  • Address whether generative AI’s importance is being overblown
  • Explain if its risks are worth the potential rewards •
  • Describe how companies can figure out where to apply generative AI
  • Provide guidance on the first steps for beginning to use generative AI

Brynjolfsson will share insights from the recent HBR article he co-authored that highlights research on generative AI projects and provides analyses of how it will affect tasks and jobs throughout the economy. To get answers to the most important questions about generative AI in your business, join Brynjolfsson and HBR on October 25th.